Board Branding

Art Instructor: Jenny Kowalski

Institute: Tyler School of Art and Architecture, Temple University

This is a restaurant branding project for my fictional brand, Board. I wanted to create a restaurant that combines the love of board games and time with friends and family along with a fun and delicious dining experience. The name board come from the idea that not only would everyone get to play the board games while eating but each food item is reimagined in a charcuterie style and served on boards. The brands layout and environment is meant to combine and encourage the use of interaction between game/family or friends nights and a night out. All of the branding is meant to mesh the two topic, food and games, and create a new, joined experience, including advertisement, product design, and collateral. The style is meant to be loose and playful, expressing the simple joys of playing board games with friends.

So you love playing board games but want to get out of your parents basement, and away from your moms cooking? Join our party here at BOARD! Walk in with 1 or 2 other players and sit in our front with custom tables. Although the chess board is built right into the table feel free to grab and game off of the shelf! And here is the best part throughout your game choose different charcuterie style appetizers, meals and desserts priced and sized to match your group.


Agatha Christie Book Series